There are numerous ways you can get involved and be a part of this vision.


As individual or corporate body, you can donate lightly used household items from your renovation or redecoration project or items you have stored in your basement or long-term storage that are gathering dust or costing you money when you can be giving it a new lease of life and lifting families in your community in the process.


“Many hands make light work” – John Heywood. Put your customer service and organization skills or your muscles to work at any of our location. When you volunteer at the 3R ReStore your passion is translating to help in building a better community for you and your family as well. Contact us to explore available opportunities.

Sponsor a donation drive

Individuals, families, church members-owned businesses or other corporations can sponsor or organize events to encourage and drive item donations. We support and recognize these grassroots events and organizers with inexpensive award or plaques during our annual event to recognize corporate donors with good media (traditional and social) coverage.

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