Text: Rom 10:10-14

This week by God’s grace let us examine the role of the WORD in the redemption process. Rom 10:10 – 14, lays out the path to salvation, but Vs 14 asks, how can this be accomplished without a vessel to bring the word? As we discuss the role of the word, it is necessary to understand it in at least two contexts. Firstly, The Word as God Jn 1:1-4, like the creation story, Jesus was spoken into existence Lk 1:34-35. In Jn 6:60-63, Jesus taught his disciples that his Word is life and Peter caught that revelation Jn 6:68. Ecc 8:4 reminds us that the word of the king represent power. Secondly, The Word as our confession Matt 12:36-37: Words set spiritual laws in motion Pro 18:21. Your words establish your take off point – Faith or Doubt – Mk 11:23, If you start out in doubt or fear, it’s a much tougher transition to move over into faith. Your words give spiritual consent to the divine contract Lk 1: 34-38, Heb 10:19-25.

If the redemption process is to be completed, the word should work in us, for us, through us and from us. How? (1) The word (Christ) must be in our thoughts Deut 6:6, Ps 1:2-3: If the word of God is not in your thought, he cannot be in your heart Pro 23:7 (2) The word must be in our heart Ps 119:11, Deut 6:4 – 5: The word goes into our heart as we digest it in our thoughts, in our minds we know the word but, in our hearts, we believe the Word. (3) The word must be in our mouths Rom 10:8, Jos 1:8: By having the word in our mouths, three key personality that needs it to ensure our redemption will hear it – You Rev 12:11, Devil 1Pet 5:9 and God Is 59:21 (4) The word must be evident in our walk: In Heb 4:12 we have a visual of what the word of God is. It means the word reveals the truth, retains the truth, and remains the truth. Beloved the word of God gives us the best and accurate measure of our work and walk of redemption any other measure will be inadequate

As you go through the rest of your work week, my prayer is that the WORD will be in your thoughts, heart, mouth and evident in your walk in Jesus name. Have great week ahead.

Pastor ‘Tayo Ojo
RCCG, Jesus House For All Nations

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